Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chuck D'Aloia is a master teacher!

Chuck D'Aloia doing his thing at the 2012 LA amp show
As you those that follow this blog now, I spend most of my spare time inhaling solder fumes working on my various amp and effects projects.  But once in awhile -- not as often as I should -- I get the urge to actually, you know, play some guitar.  The problem is, I'm just not all that good, and not particularly imaginative.  Like a lot of guys, I seem to have a hard time breaking out of familiar patterns and riffs. So it's a wonderful tonic when something comes along that can help you break out of a rut and introduce you to some new ideas.   This blog post is about one of those discoveries.   Chuck D'Aloia is a really great player -- I've long admired his playing, which I first came across when checking out various amplifier demos on the intertubes.  But, as it turns out, Chuck is a first rate teacher as well.   I highly recommend that you check out his "Blues with Brains" lesson series. Here's a little preview on YouTube, showing how to take on a basic blues progression with a little bit of a more interesting harmonic approach.   I bought the rest of the lessons, and it just gets better from there. It was money well spent.. Thanks Chuck!

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